Are persimmon and pawpaw worth growing for market? Join NAFEX President Kris Heeter (aka Dr. Kris Klueg) to learn the pros and cons. Kris will share an informative presentation originally created by a legendary fruit grower, the late Jerry Lehman. FREE with your $19 NAFEX membership.
fruit trees
3 posts
Join NAFEX for a special forum on grafting fruit trees with Taylor Malone and Taylor Yowell. Topics will include: How to collect and store scion wood; rootstock considerations; the biology of grafting; recommended tools; and demonstrations of both bench grafting (in the greenhouse) and top working (in the field). Demos will include grafting American Persimmons. FREE with your $19 NAFEX membership.
Join NAFEX for a special forum on selecting rootstocks with Steve Cummins and Bob Purvis. FREE with your $19 NAFEX membership.