Can you make money growing fruit? Join us for the first of two exciting sessions about the business of growing fruit. We'll look at a U-Pick orchard, fruit CSA, and kombucha business that purchases fruit from local growers. This session is part of the NAFEX 2023 Virtual Conference, featuring three days of inspiring and informative online sessions for fruit growers, November 9-11, via ZOOM or by phone. Participate and ask questions in real time or watch the recordings later.
NAFEX Conference
Show us your fruit! And share your fruit growing journey in 2023. Fruit growers of all experience levels are invited to share their growing experiences (successes or failures) in our casual, virtual fruit grower's Show and Tell. We'll describe what NAFEX is all about and hold a brief annual meeting, looking back at 2023 and the year ahead. This session is part of the NAFEX 2023 Virtual Conference, featuring three days of inspiring and informative online sessions for fruit growers, November 9-11, via ZOOM or by phone. Participate and ask questions in real time or watch the recordings later.
Join persimmon grower Timothy Lane for a look at recent persimmon hybridizing efforts in Ukraine and the United States. This session is part of the NAFEX 2023 Virtual Conference, featuring three days of inspiring and informative online sessions for fruit growers, November 9-11, via ZOOM or by phone. Participate and ask questions in real time or watch the recordings later.
Looking to have a low input orchard? This is the talk for you. Mark Shepard, author of Restoration Agriculture: Real-World Permaculture for Farmers will be talk about his developed “Sheer, Total, Utter, Neglect” (STUN) method for breeding and selecting cultivars that are adapted to his microclimate and biome. This session is part of the NAFEX 2023 Virtual Conference, featuring three days of inspiring and informative online sessions for fruit growers, November 9-11, via ZOOM or by phone. Participate and ask questions in real time or watch the recordings later.
Learn how to expand your edible orchard beyond fruit and nuts by integrating other trees and plant species that can serve as vegetables, medicine, fuel, fodder, and help build healthy soil with author and farmer Eric Toensmeier. This session is part of the NAFEX 2023 Virtual Conference, featuring three days of inspiring and informative online sessions for fruit growers, November 9-11, via ZOOM or by phone. Participate and ask questions in real time or watch the recordings later.
Discover the many types of Malus species around the world as Dr. Gayle Volk shares the USDA’s Malus germplasm collection and Derek Mills of Hocking Hills Orchard shares details of the 1,800 apple varieties in his orchard. This session is part of the NAFEX 2023 Virtual Conference, featuring three days of inspiring and informative online sessions for fruit growers, November 9-11, via ZOOM or by phone. Participate and ask questions in real time or watch the recordings later.
Dr. Elaine Ingham, the soil microbiologist who coined the term “Soil Food Web,” will share how to grow healthy fruiting plants from the ground up, using regenerative growing practices that build healthy soil. This is the closing keynote webinar of the NAFEX 2023 Virtual Conference.
Save the dates and plan to join the North American Fruit Explorers for the NAFEX 2023 Virtual Conference, featuring three days of inspiring and informative online sessions for fruit growers, November 9-11, via ZOOM or by phone. Participate and ask questions in real time or watch the recordings later. Join us!
Save the dates for "Good Fruit From the Ground Up," the NAFEX 2022 Virtual Conference, featuring three days of inspiring and informative online sessions for fruit growers, November 10-12, via ZOOM or by phone.