This is the 2nd townhall with an open discussion about rootstock choices and grafting. We hope that many of you can show up and add your questions and expertise to the open discussion and converse with your fellow members!! Have a favorite grafting tool to show us! Tell us your […]
This is the 1st of 3 townhalls. We will have an open discussion about winter collection of scion wood and also discuss pruning. February will also be focused on pruning and grafting. We hope that many of you can show up and add your questions and expertise to the open […]
Save the dates and plan to join the North American Fruit Explorers for the NAFEX 2024 Virtual Conference, featuring three days of inspiring and informative online sessions for fruit growers, November 7-9, via ZOOM or by phone. Participate and ask questions in real time or watch the recordings later. Join us!
Are you interested in promoting pollinators in your backyards or orchards? Join us for an evening of discussion about bee biology and how habitat relates to having bees present at bloom-time. Dr. Rufus Isaacs of Michigan State University will also discuss establishing a wildflower habitat and sources of funding to […]
Join us for an evening of discussion about food forests and community orchards. Josh David of the Bloomington Community Orchard in Bloomington, IN will introduce the concepts of establishing forests in communities and highlight topics from planning and design to maintenance and community input. Come with your questions!! The meeting […]
Join us for an evening of discussion on understanding how temperate deciduous fruit trees work and how growers can efficiently manage tree fruit orchards. Dr. Ted Dejong of UC Davis University will provide insights into working with fruiting trees within the orchard setting highlighting peaches, plum and nectarines. Come with […]
Learn how to support raptors and other beneficial birds in fruit growing operations to manage pests. Ashley Chesser with Wild Farm Alliance and Dr. Catherine Lindell from Michigan State University will provide an overview about how and why to incorporate birds into the farm landscape and some specifics about the […]
What’s new in the world of pawpaws? Join us for an evening of discussion about North America’s largest fruit with Dr. Kirk Pomper of Kentucky State University who will provide insights into all things pawpaw and an update on the KSU Pawpaw program. Come with your questions for one of […]
Does the thrill of the hunt to rediscover California gold rush era fruit trees intrigue you? Maybe you’ve heard of the work of the Felix Gillet Institute or the man himself. Join us to discover how a team of fruit detectives and preservationists search abandoned ghost towns and the countryside […]
Can you make money growing fruit? Join us for the second of two exciting sessions about the business of growing fruit. We'll look at starting a nursery business with mail order fulfillment, selling at regional farmers markets, and educating other fruit growers. This session is part of the NAFEX 2023 Virtual Conference, featuring three days of inspiring and informative online sessions for fruit growers, November 9-11, via ZOOM or by phone. Participate and ask questions in real time or watch the recordings later.