NAFEX announced speaker and session topics for 2021 Virtual Conference, "Fruit Forward: Growing for Tomorrow," Nov. 15-20, 2021.
Join NAFEX for an exciting series of interactive sessions with some of North America’s leading fruit growers, explorers and preservationists. Our 2021 conference, Fruit Forward: Growing for Tomorrow, will feature six days of inspiring and informative online sessions, Monday, November 15, through Saturday, November 20, via ZOOM. Michael Phillips of […]
For Immediate Release: PDF Press release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact:: Jerry Lehman Date: 6/29/2018 Tel. 812-298-8733 email: JW Lehman Facebook: Fruits of the Heartland Conference 2018 Danville Area Community College, Danville Illinois The North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX), the Savanna Institute and […]
The New NAFEX website design is live and here are just some of the new features we’re still working on: Member’s section – The members only section will be live soon. We will email you when it is. Thank you!!! Mobile Friendly Browsing – Get your NAFEX on the go! […]
Welcome to the brand new website! The new website design is exciting and has a lot of features you’re sure to love but it’s brand new and still being worked on in several places. For example the forum won’t be ported over right away but we’re working on that. If […]
Thanks to the new website NAFEX is able to share more content with the general public. That content will be available here on the home page as well as under resources. NAFEX is a membership organization but some of the information that we gather is already publicly available. Look for […]
We invite you to join NAFEX today. Gain access to members only information including current and archived issues of Pomona, our member written quarterly, that stretches back decades. Find and gain access to special interest groups related to the fruit you love, what you’re growing or want to grow, and […]